Join a Growth Group in 2024.
Introducing Growth Groups
Sunday Services are great for teaching and encouragement, however the large group setting can make it difficult to get to know people well and support and encourage one another in a deeper way. Our Growth Groups seek to supplement our Sunday meetings by growing Christ-centered relationships that help us to live out God’s word together.
When they Meet
Most of our groups meet in the evening, but we also have daytime groups that cater for young mums and seniors who find it difficult to get out at night. We also have a number of young adult groups for those in the 18-24 age group. They run a slightly different program catering to the specific challenges and decisions young adults face.
A Typical Meeting
typical Growth Group meeting will involve some kind of food, a Bible study discussion and a time of prayer. Groups mostly do Bible studies connected to the sermon series at church, although occasionally they pause for a more topical or practical training series. Groups might also meet for a meal or other social activities from time to time.