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Service Livestream

We are a group of people from different backgrounds who are united by our trust in Jesus Christ. We welcome you to join us.


Jesus Christ is the only reason Cairns Presbyterian Church exists. We’re here because Jesus has forgiven us and given us the hope of rising with Him and we exist to help one another become more like Him, and to help others meet Him.

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Latest Sermon

At Cairns Presbyterian, hearing from God’s word in the Bible is one of our three core activities. Each term we hear from a Book of the Bible and see what God has to teach us about his plans for our world, his son Jesus, and how he wants us to live. If you want to hear a recording of a Sunday sermon, click the button below.

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Sunday Services

We have three English Services every Sunday as well as Korean and Nepali language services.

Sunday Services


As a Church, our focus is on God’s word the Bible and is expressed in a three step pathway – HEAR the word, LIVE the word and SHARE the word. This pathway shapes everything we do together.

Hear the Word

God’s word is living and active and through it we are born again into God’s family and equipped to live for Him (1 Peter 1:23; 2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore  our first priority as a church is to hear God’s word.

Live the Word

God doesn’t want us just to hear His word, He wants us to live it (James 1:22-25). Therefore we seek to live out God’s word in lives of holiness, trust and loving service.

Share the Word

God’s word is not for us to keep to ourselves. He wants all people to hear it and live it (Matt 28:19). Therefore we seek to share God’s word with one another, our city and the world.